How to Run a Business and Stay Grounded

It’s so easy to get swept up in the demands and expectations of the world. Running a business while also filling other important roles, such as student, wife, mother, friend, etc. can feel rather impossible when the world is constantly telling us we aren’t doing enough. But you are, and it is possible to simultaneously feel grounded at peace too.

I wish people talked more about staying present while taking care of their business among everything else. Being an entrepreneur is hard and especially demanding at the beginning stages. But while it’s important to keep growing your business, it’s just as important that your personal life doesn’t fall to the wayside! So here are some of my favorite tips.

Manage your own expectations & give yourself grace.

A big part of feeling grounded at peace while running your business is to manage your own expectations. Yes, running a business can be time consuming, but pick and choose what’s reasonable for you. You don’t have to be doing everything and growing at the exact same pace as someone else online who might have their schedule and priorities entirely cleared. One person can’t possibly be expected to nail everything at once. So do what works for you and give yourself grace if what feels reasonable doesn’t feel like you’re doing “enough.” I promise you are.

Remember why you got into this business? Did you want more flexibility for traveling or for your growing family or you wanted to follow your passions? Don’t let things flip on you. Your work isn’t your life. The day you start to dread what you do is a big red flag you’re burnt out. Don’t let things get there!

Focus on the present.

Stay present. Goal setting and strategy planning is important, but growth never happens overnight. So once you’ve determined your game plan, focus your sights on the present. What can you do in the here and now? The easiest way to get caught up in the overwhelming feeling that you aren’t doing enough is to be too focused on where you “need” to be versus where you are now.

Focusing on the present is great for all aspects of your life! If you’re familiar with mindfulness techniques, chances are you know the benefits firsthand. Let this mindset flow into all areas of your life, including your business.

Seek perfectly imperfect balance.

There is no such thing as a “balanced life.” There just isn’t because usually one or two things take higher priority and that’s just fine! When seeking your own perfectly imperfect balance, think about your ideal state. How much time do you want to be pouring into your business as opposed to socializing, spending quality time with your family, or traveling? How much time do you realistically have left in your day after all the other pulls of life? This may not be a fixed balance; it usually isn’t. But thinking through these questions will help you get a better feel for what feels right for you.

When you’ve found your right balance, you’ll feel at peace. Your fire for what you do will burn brighter with passion and you won’t look at it as just another task on your to-do list. Take time to find what’s right for you and strive to maintain that balance moving forward. If you catch yourself starting to feel off, take a step back and evaluate what may have led you here. Oftentimes it’s getting off balance. When that happens, don’t be afraid to take a break and allow yourself to spend your time as you feel. Usually a day or few like that helps balance things back out.

Find your supportive community.

In the entrepreneurship lifestyle, community is everything. Find the people who get where you’re coming from, understand your struggles, and maybe even can help give you some pointers. Friend other business owners!

There’s nothing quite like the supportive community you get from a group of people who are all routing for one another and working towards a similar goal. They’re there when you need encouragement. They’re there when you need a hype woman or man. They’re there when you’re running into the same issue and need suggestions how to overcome it. They’re there when you feel alone and like no one else understands. They do.

I promise you won’t regret finding your community.

Take time off!

I promise you, your business will still be there when you get back. So take a break. We all need one from time to time and there’s no shame in recharging! Remember, you can’t pour from an empty cup.

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