Your Worth is Not in Their Words

There are always going to be people out there that have crummy things to say about you. And while you may not be able to stop the harmful words spewing from their mouths, you are able to choose what you listen to.

You are not what your ex yells at you in anger.

You are not what your classmates whisper behind your back.

You are not what that hateful little voice in your mind tells you.

Because frankly,

Your worth is not in their words.

Just because your ex was once someone who was a big part of your life, doesn’t mean they deserve to still brainwash your self image with their harmful words. Your worth isn’t in their words.

Just because your classmates want to paint your picture a different way, doesn’t mean their expression of you is an accurate one. Your worth isn’t in their words.

Just because the hateful little voice in your head seems to know you better than yourself, doesn’t mean it deserves to warp your idea of who you really are. Your worth isn’t in those words.

And just because people’s words may seem to knock you down again and again – does not mean you can’t get right back up again.

You see, because your worth is not in their words.

Your worth is in Jesus.

If you’re going to listen to someone – listen to Jesus.

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